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Diverse Learning Environments



12 months - 35 months

Preschool Class



3 Years +


Alexander House Nursery recognises that every day creates new and exciting learning opportunities for your child, whether it is learning to work with a friend or to share toys.


Within our toddler area – Caterpillars, we are helping to support our children to grasp their learning opportunities through the Curiosity approach and play opportunities, thereby gaining a sense of pride in their achievements.


Staff will follow each child’s interests and create a fun atmosphere, ensuring that all our children are happy.


We work on the basis of ‘what the child wants to learn’, ‘when the child wants to learn’ and ‘how the child wants to learn’, this is the best way we feel of encouraging curiosity.We allow them to explore, learn and develop independently at their own pace about matters which interest them.


The children will sit at tables and eat together, encouraging good manners and social skills. They will play indoors and outdoors doing many different activities, including getting hands on in messy play.


Time will also be given to develop their knowledge of reading, writing and communication skills and physical skills including fine and gross motor skills.


To balance their day, we ensure that time is given to resting, relaxing and free time for them to decide what they choose to do next.


In our pre-school area we begin the process of getting children ready for their next foundation level at mainstream school.


Great care is taken when planning the children’s activities. Both free time and structured activities are planned to develop opportunities through play and learning, inside and out.


Staff follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and plan exciting and challenging activities for the children.  Our focus is learning through the Curiosity approach and learning through play, although there are more structured activities to accompany throughout the day.


Our aim is to develop their physical, intellectual, and emotional skills, concentrating on language and mathematical thinking, imagination, and creativity. This is done through reading, singing, counting, and rhyming games, listening, and responding to examples of communication, listening to and making music, role-play and acting out stories, dancing, painting and drawing.


We take into consideration our children’s cultural, diversified backgrounds and faith. We celebrate the different spiritual, multi-cultural festivals and events throughout the year and incorporate these in all our daily activities in the nursery.

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